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When I travel for shows I bring my entire stage with me. My truck converts into a stage that allows me to do carvings in front of big crowds anywhere I go. Normally I do about four shows a day where I get up and speed carve a piece in 30 minutes.

I really enjoy this type of entertainment because I get to be very interactive with the audience. I put a heavy netting around my stage, which allows me to flip big chunks of wood out toward the crowd and make people jump. I just really like having fun when I carve – I like flipping the saws around and shooting sawdust right out at people.


At the end of my show I always get up on the microphone and talk to the folks. I answer any questions they might have and talk about what type of wood the piece is made out of or what inspired me to do it that particular carving. Then I’ll hit it with some stain and get it ready to put in the auction.

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